Blogging is one of the most productive and interesting way of earning online if you have passion and are willing to give your time to blogging
in a proper way. Make money with blogging is not so difficult once your blog becomes popular and
in a proper way. Make money with blogging is not so difficult once your blog becomes popular and
gains a decent traffic but starting a blog and making it a money making machine are the two tough steps and it takes some time to establish and convert it in to a money making blog. When I start blogging, I have no knowledge about it. I searched the internet about make money online programs when I read a post about make money blogging. I read this post and inspired. So I took decision to start my own blog. In beginning, my knowledge level about blogging is zero but I didn't give up and continuously gain knowledge about blogging. I read many articles, books and posts about blogging and now I established my own blog and start posting on it.
If you want to start your own free blog but don't have enough knowledge about blogging, then this post will surely helps you in starting you own blog.
How to create a blog
First of all you have to select the blogging platform for starting a blog. There are many blogging platforms from where you can start blogging but the two most popular blogging platforms are "Blogger" by Google and "WordPress".
You can start you blog for free here at these two amazing blogging platforms. I recommend blogger for the beginners due to its simple procedure and ease of use. Later on, you can convert/shift your blog to Wordpress when you becomes a professional blogger.
You have to follow the following 5 steps for creating blogger blog. You need to have a Gmail ID because blogger is owned by Google.
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your Gmail ID.
3. Click on "New Blog"
4. Select a suitable title and address (Domain name) for you blog.
5. Select a suitable template and click on "Create Blog".
You have created your blog! Your blog will be online after five minutes.
1. After creating blog, choose a suitable description for your blog.
3. Spice up your blog with necessary Widgets. After completing all the settings, start posting with quality content. The content should be original and not be copy pasted from other blogs. Otherwise google will ban your blog. Also this is an unethical practice.
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5. Create "Contact me" and "About me" pages.
6. Keep posting on you blog on daily basis. Write 1 post each day and at least 5 to 6 posts in a week. Never leave you blog untouched for a long time specially in the starting period of your blog. This will decrease your blog's SEO.
7. After posting 30 to 40 posts, and having at least 2000 visitors per day on your blog, you can apply for Google Adsense or any other blog monetization networks to start earning from your blog.
To learn about all the blog settings, blogging tips, SEO tips, beautiful widgets and other genuine online earning methods, subscribe to my blog and stay updated with every new post delivered automatically to your email inbox. To subscribe, enter your email in the subscription form above the popular posts at the right side of my blog.
You also want to read How to Make Money With Blogging
You also want to read How to Make Money With Blogging
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