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January 29, 2015

SEO Tips: Improve Internal linking of a blog

Read this entire post carefully and I am sure that at the end of this post you will clearly understand the idea and importance of

internal linking. 

What is an Internal Link?

An internal link is a link within a post or article that points to another post or location with in the same website/blog. Or we can say that internal link is a link in a website or blog that points to another page within the same website. 

Why to improve Internal Linking?
The purpose of internal linking is to interconnect all the pages and blog posts to each other so that the navigation within the website becomes easy. If the internal linking of your website is good, the new user or visitor feel comfortable while visiting your website. It is possible that the visitor comes to your site for a specific topic but when he landed on your site and saw many links related to his desirable topic, he decided to see other posts and pages on your website. In return, your website/blog gain more clicks and traffic.

Just keep in mind the simple formula about SEO that:

Good internal linking = More Traffic = More chances of Clicks on ads  = More Earning 

So if you want to increase your earning from blog, you have to improve the internal linking of your blog.

Internal linking is extremely important in blog's SEO as I explained in the above paragraph that good internal linking always catch the attraction of new visitor and by increasing clicks and traffic, your blog's SEO will automatically be improved. 

Moreover, when you decided to monetize your blog with Google Adsense or other monetization networks, they first check your blog's internal linking. If the blog have poor internal linking, they rejects the blog. I faced this situation when I start blogging. My blog is rejected by Google adsense due to poor internal linking and less content. After that, I improve my blog's internal linking and now my blog has a perfect internal linking. 

How to improve Internal linking of a blog?

There are different ways in which you can improve your blog navigation system by improving internal linking. In next lines, I will try to explain all the ways of improving internal linking.

1. By giving links to other posts or pages within a post:

When you write a post on a certain topic, there comes many words in that post which are clearly related to another post on your blog. Just look at the above lines you will find the word "start blogging" in bold letter. Just click on it and you will see that another post opens with the title "How to start a blog on blogger". In this way, you can made different words in your post as a link to another post on your blog and thus interlinked one post to another. So when a visitor comes to your blog and read a post, he surely clicks the links within your post and curious to see what is behind that.

2. Popular Post Widget

In popular post widget, a list of your past posts is given. This list also helps the visitor to see more posts on your blog. You can see a popular post widget in my blog on the right side.  Through popular post widget, many other posts can be easily accessed by a visitor. Visitors may find another helpful material in which they are interested and thus start searching your blog for other useful content they required.

3. Pages list

In pages list, a list of all the pages of the blog is given. You can see a list of all the pages of my blog at the footer/bottom. You can see links of different pages like Home, Freelancing, Web designing, Blogging, Contact me and About me. The same pages are also present in the menu bar. This is also called Site Navigation. Through this list, all the pages of the blog is in the access of the visitors and they can easily go to any page of the blog they desired. For example, if a visitor wants to read posts about Freelancing, he just clicks on the "Freelancing" in the list and all the posts related to freelancing will be appeared.

4. Label Widget

Labeling is also very important in improving your site navigation system. When a post is written, a label must be given to it (In post settings). The posts related to one topic must be given the same label in order to put them in same place/page. For example, all the posts related to Web Designing have different titles but have same label "Web Designing". As an example, you can see my blog. On the right side of my blog you will see label widget in which different label are listed. Now click on the label named "Web Designing". A page appears with all the posts related to web designing. When a label widget is installed, all the labels will be automatically mentioned in that widget and the visitor can easily search his desired topic from these labels.

5. Related Post Widget

Yet another useful widget to improve internal linking of a blog. This widget must be placed at the end of posts. When a reader ends reading a post, he will see links of other posts related to that post which he finished reading just a few seconds ago. He might be interested in reading other posts which are interrelated and thus the blog gains more clicks. 
6. Another method which can be used to interlink related posts is by giving a link at the end of post like this:

 "You also want to read ................................"

As an example, you can see it in my blog at the end of this post. 

This is all about internal Linking of a blog! Hope this post will help you a lot in understanding that what is internal linking, what is its importance in optimizing SEO of a blog and how to improve internal linking. 


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About The Auther

Muhammad Junaid Khalid is a proud Muslim and a Pakistani, Chemical Engineer and a totally self made blogger, learn blogging of his own, that's why know all the hurdles which the beginner bloggers mostly face and ...Read More